Call for Nominations - 2024 Board Elections
The American Theatre Organ Society announces its call for nominations to fill three (3) positions on the ATOS Board of Directors for three-year terms (2024-2026).
Any ATOS member who has maintained continuous membership in good standing for at least the last two years is eligible for nomination and may nominate themselves or be nominated by another member in good standing, in which case, written consent of the nominee is required and must be received with the nomination material. ATOS is governed by a board of directors, to represent the membership and provide guidance to the organization’s fiscal and operational activities. The directors should be experienced with how corporations’ function, particularly with respect to business practices and fiscal policies. Of particular value to the organization are individuals who are experienced with directing staff or operating within a corporate structure to assist ATOS with its goal setting and planning activities, and performance assessment.
CRITERIA: Candidates for a board position should be passionate about ATOS and its mission. They should also possess skills and knowledge in at least one of the following areas: finance, human resources, fundraising, business, education, public relations, leadership, marketing, communications, or other areas that could be important to the success of ATOS.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Candidates should be prepared to attend and fully participate in scheduled meetings of the board. The ATOS board currently meets via the Zoom platform; where possible, the goal is to hold at least one in-person meeting (usually immediately prior to the annual convention). Directors are expected to chair or serve on one or more committees.
PROCEDURE: Each nominee shall furnish an essay, not to exceed one-hundred-fifty (150) words, describing how their background, knowledge, and skills can positively contribute to the needs of ATOS, based upon the CRITERIA stated above. In addition, the nominee must provide the following information: name, complete address, current occupation, telephone number(s), e-mail address, and a photograph, suitable for use in the election materials.
Further information on responsibilities and expectations of board members can be found at
Candidate contact information, essay, and photo must be sent to the Nominating Committee Chairperson:
Jan Stack, at nominations [at]
The submission deadline is Saturday, March 30, 2024.
If you have questions, please contact the Nominating Committee Chairperson.
1. Hyphenated words: “Vice-President” = one (1) word.
2. Articles and prepositions: “the organ caretaker” = three (3)
words, “an avid lover of theatre organ” = six (6) words.
3. ATOS = one (1) word, MCTOS = one (1) word. American
Theatre Organ Society = four (4) words.
4. Abbreviations “Asst.,” = one (1) word.
5. Numbers “26” = one (1) word; “5” = one (1) word.
NOTE: Essays exceeding the one-hundred-fifty (150) word limit will disqualify the candidate.