ATOS 2017 Convention, Day 4
Day Four of the 2017 ATOS Convention was based again at the Tampa Theatre. The morning began with a program by Nathan Avakian. Nathan opened his program with one of his uniquely arranged songs that incorporated prepared rhythm tracks, followed by a sequence of nine three-minute silent films from the International Youth Silent Film Festival ( Each year Nathan composes a series of three-minute film scores which he performs and records on theater organ. Young film makers create films that fit to these recorded musical scores. The music presents a sequence of events or emotional themes and then the film makers create action to match the music (the reverse of how films are routinely scored). The audience was amazed by the maturity of the film subjects and how well the music can suggest emotions.
Nathan’s program was followed by the ATOS Membership Forum where members queried Board members for information on a varied set of topics, with some presenting brief descriptions of activities they are undertaking and identifying issues they would like to see addressed by future ATOS activities.
After lunch, a series of two young organist mini-concert programs were presented as well as the annual ATOS Awards program. Among other awards were a special merit presentation made to past ATOS President/CE, Ken Double. The presenter of the awards, David Kelzenberg, commented upon Ken’s 10 years of service to ATOS. Among other awardees, organist Jerry Nagano received the ATOS Theatre Organist of the Year title.
The formal part of the 62nd ATOS Convention came to an end with an evening Ron Rhode concert on the theatre’s 3/15 Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ. Ron is completing 44 years concertizing and looking to retirement after an appearance at next year’s ATOS Convention in Los Angeles, CA. The program presented a set of selections that he has performed during his career.
Tomorrow will be the first of two days of optional Encore events. The first day will feature concerts at the Central Florida Chapter’s Wurlitzer in Pinellas Park, FL. A second day’s Encore will include a bus trip to hear and visit a home museum and concert facility as well as a home installation both owned by members of the South Florida Theatre Organ Society.
~Richard Neidich

Tampa Theatre Interior
Nathan Avakian
New Silent Film
Ken Double, David Kelzenberg
Jerry Nagano