Theatre Organs in the United States

Theatre Organs in the United States

Organs in the USA.

State/Province/Region City Specification Manufacturer
New Jersey Clifton 2/6 Wurlitzer - HSA-UWC Church 2/6 Wurlitzer
New Jersey Flemington 5/39 Hybrid Marr & Colton - Northlandz Music Hall 5/39 Hybrid Marr & Colton
New Jersey Jersey City 4/23 Robert-Morton - Loews Jersey Theatre 4/23 Robert-Morton
New Jersey Newark 3/15 composite - Symphony Hall 3/15 composite
New Jersey Pitman 3/8 Kimball - Broadway Theatre 3/8 Kimball
New Jersey Rahway 3/10 Wurlitzer - Rahway Senior Citizens Center 3/10 Wurlitzer
New Jersey Rahway 2/7 Wurlitzer - Rahway Theatre 2/7 Wurlitzer
New Jersey Trenton 3/16 Möller - Trenton War Memorial 3/16 Möller
New Mexico Roswell 3/19 Wurlitzer - New Mexico Military Institute 3/19 Wurlitzer
New York Binghamton 4/24 Robert-Morton - Forum Theatre (Broome County Center for the Performing Arts) 4/24 Robert-Morton
New York Brooklyn, NY 4/26 Wurlitzer - Long Island University (Brooklyn Paramount) 4/26 Wurlitzer
New York Buffalo 4/28 Wurlitzer - Shea’s Buffalo Theatre 4/28 Wurlitzer
New York Cornwall-on-Hundson 4/33 Möller - New York Military Academy 4/33 Möller
New York Cortland 3/18 Composite - Old Main Auditorium 3/18 composite
New York Elmira 4/31 Marr & Colton - Clemens Center for Performing Arts 4/31 Marr & Colton
New York Lake Placid 3/7 Robert-Morton - Palace Theatre 3/7 Robert-Morton
New York Lockport 2/8 Wurlitzer - Bette Dale Building, Senior Citizen Center 2/8 Wurlitzer
New York Middletown 3/12 Wurlitzer - Middletown Paramount Theatre 3/12 Wurlitzer
New York Mineola 3/15 composite - Chaminade High School 3/15 composite
New York New York 4/23 Robert-Morton - United Palace of Cultural Arts (Lowe's 175th St Theatre) 4/23 Robert-Morton
New York New York 4/19 Wurlitzer - Beacon Theatre 4/19 Wurlitzer
New York New York GW319EX Allen digital - NYTOS Traveling Organ GW319EX Allen digital
New York New York 4/58 Wurlitzer - Radio City Music Hall 4/58 Wurlitzer
New York North Tonawanda 3/17 Wurlitzer - Riviera Theatre 3/17 Wurlitzer
New York Pine Plainss T321Q SP Allen digital - The Stissing Center T321Q SP Allen digital
New York Plattsburgh 3/8 Wurlitzer - Strand Theatre 3/8 Wurlitzer
New York Poughkeepsie 2/10 Wurlitzer - Bardavon Opera House 2/10 Wurlitzer
New York Rochester 3/12 Wurlitzer - Eisenhart Auditorium 3/12 Wurlitzer
New York Rochester 4/23 Wurlitzer - Auditorium Theatre 4/23 Wurlitzer
New York Rome 3/7 Möller - Capitol Theatre 3/7 Möller
New York Sands Point 2/8 Wurlitzer - Sands Point Preserve - Hempstead House 2/8 Wurlitzer
New York Schenectady 3/23 Wurlitzer - Proctor's Theatre 3/23 Wurlitzer
New York Schenectady GW4 Allen digital - GE Theatre GW4 Allen digital
New York Staatsburg, NY LL324 Quantum Special Allen digital - Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School LL324 Quantum Special Allen digital
New York Suffern 2/11 Wurlitzer - Lafayette Theatre 2/11 Wurlitzer
New York Syracuse 3/11 Wurlitzer - NY State Fairgrounds 3/11 Wurlitzer
New York Utica 3/13 Wurlitzer - Proctor High School 3/13 Wurlitzer
North Carolina Burlington 3/24 Wurlitzer - Walter Williams High School 3/24 Wurlitzer
North Carolina Greensboro 3/10 Robert-Morton - Carolina Theatre 3/10 Robert-Morton
North Carolina Lumberton 2/8 Robert-Morton - Carolina Civic Center 2/8 Robert-Morton
North Carolina Mount Airy 2/3 Kilgen - Rockford Street United Methodist Church 2/3 Kilgen
North Dakota Fargo 4/32 Wurlitzer - Fargo Theatre 4/32 Wurlitzer
Ohio Akron 3/19 Wurlitzer - Akron Civic Theatre 3/19 Wurlitzer
Ohio Ashtabula 3/14 Kimball - Lakeside High School Performing Arts Center 3/14 Kimball
Ohio Bellevue 4/53 other - St John's Lutheran Church 4/53 other
Ohio Canton 3/11 Kilgen - Palace Theatre 3/11 Kilgen
Ohio Cincinnati 3/31 Wurlitzer - Cincinnati Music Hall Ballroom 3/31 Wurlitzer
Ohio Cleveland 3/15 Kimball - Palace Theatre 3/15 Kimball
Ohio Cleveland 3/9 Kimball - Judson Manor 3/9 Kimball
Ohio Cleveland 3/15 Wurlitzer - Grays Armory 3/15 Wurlitzer
Ohio Cleveland 4/28 Wurlitzer - Cleveland Masonic Auditorium 4/28 Wurlitzer
Ohio Columbus 4/34 Robert-Morton - Ohio Theatre 4/34 Robert-Morton
Ohio Dayton 3/16 Wurlitzer - Victoria Theatre 3/16 Wurlitzer
Ohio Lima 2/4 Page - Allen County Museum 2/4 Page
Ohio Lorain 3/10 Wurlitzer - Palace Theatre 3/10 Wurlitzer
Ohio Mansfield 3/20 Wurlitzer - Renaissance Theatre 3/20 Wurlitzer
Ohio Marion 3/10 Wurlitzer - Palace Theatre 3/10 Wurlitzer
Ohio Medina 3/7 Austin - County Administration Building 3/7 Austin
Ohio Sandusky 3/8 Page - State Theatre 3/8 Page
Ohio Wilmington 2/7 Wicks - Wilmington College 2/7 Wicks