Young Organists Scholarship Program
The Young Organist Scholarship Program is open exclusively to amateur, young organists between the ages of 12 and 26. For the purposes of the Scholarship Program, an applicant will be considered an amateur/student unless they have done any of the following:
- Appeared as a featured organist at any ATOS convention other than in connection with a competition or contest sponsored by ATOS.
- Received compensation in the aggregate for any organ performance(s) in a total amount greater than one thousand dollars ($1,000) during any one calendar year, excluding any prize money received from organ competitions and/or scholarships. Playing the organ for services in a liturgical setting does not constitute an “ organ performance” under these rules.
- Sold or offered for sale to the general public organ recordings of his or her playing for the organist’s financial benefit.
- Performed or performs regularly on the theatre organ for pay before the general public in any restaurant, pizza parlor, theatre, or other public entertainment venue. If your particular situation requires clarification, please contact the Young Organists Scholarship Committee Chairperson.
- Awards are based on the number of applications received, frequency of lessons, and the funds budgeted in a given year
- Awards are funded based on need, established in order of application date
- Applications may be made at any time
- Reimbursement will be set at $60 per lesson, payable to an approved teacher
- A maximum of $1320 per 12 month period will be allocated per student.
- Application forms are posted to the bottom of this page.
- Any questions should be directed to Bill Webber (w.webber [at], scholarships coordinator.
1. For consideration to be entered in the program the student must submit an application
2. The student must sunbmit a short essay as described in the application
3. At the end of each twelve month period, the student will perform a cameo performance for a local Chapter or, in the case of no local chapter, the student will prepare a Zoom performance.
4. The student may apply for a continuation year following the first year with the recommendation of the teacher.
Prior to ATOS issuing the scholarship funds awarded, an official ATOS “Request for Payment” form must be presented to the ATOS Scholarship Committee chairperson. Funds are payable to the student’s professional theatre organ teacher
The student may request funds in $120.00 increments or may wait until they have a sufficient amount of paid receipts for completed lessons to request payment of the full amount of the award.
Monies awarded may also be applied toward an approved theatre organ workshop.
All ATOS Scholarship funds are awarded in US dollars. Payments to Scholarship recipients to countries outside of the United States will reflect the US exchange rate as of the date of issue. All paid receipts provided by recipients must also reflect the US exchange rate at the time of a payment request.
Applications for ATOS scholarships may be submitted at any time during the year. After review by committee members, the candidates chosen will be notified of their scholarships.
Application & Forms